Thursday, May 16, 2013


I can't believe I actually got on a plane and flew out of the country!  I couldn't have done it without the help of my doctor and the medication she prescribed me lol.  Landing in Mexico was quite scary though.  We were low and fast and would suddenly drop and I would get that rollercoaster sensation in my stomach.  I also overheard some people saying that "it shouldn't be like this" and "this must be his first flight".  Needless to say I tightened my seat belt and left nail marks on the arm rest.  We landed safely and found a party bus waiting for us. It came equipped with a big screen tv, loud music, flashing lights and a stripper pole.  Did I mention it also came with LOTS of beer?  We went through all beer and actually had to stop at a store to get more.  Uncle Mike dazzled us with an impressive spin on the stripper pole.  Classic.  The resort was absolutely gorgeous!  I shared a room with my youngest brother Chad and we had a lot of laughs.  The resort was all inclusive. They would serve you at the pool or even in the pool.  It rocked.  There was a kids side of the resort and an adults side.  We started out at the kids side in the morning to spend time with the ones with kids and then we would trek on over to the adult side.  It was like MTV spring break on the adult side.  There was choreographed dancing, loud music, and even synchronized swimming.  Tequila flowed like water there.  It was even more fun when they pulled out this huge blow up raft slip n slide thing.  On Sunday was the wedding.  It was absolutely beautiful.  I don't think there was a dry eye to be had.  My mom looked so beautiful.  My nieces made it down the aisle like pros.  My brother Chad and my cousin make a great musical pair.  Chad played the acoustic guitar while Catie sang as the flower girls and bride walked down the aisle.  They also played and sang the first dance song at the reception.  Such a beautiful wedding and evening.  We missed my sister and her family.  They weren't able to make it because of medical reasons.  Thankfully we were able to Facetime them and they were able to see the entire wedding and the first dance.The only thing that would have made it perfect is if they were able to make it.  They were in our thoughts all week.  The reception was wild and crazy and FUN!  So happy for my mom and Jim. They deserve all the best.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

First 2 weeks

I've been back at work for 2 weeks now.  I was super excited to get back to work and decided to jump back into it full time.  HUGE mistake!  The first week of work went horribly.  My legs and feet were in so much pain I almost left work early one day.  It also had me thinking of going on disability because I thought my body had done all it could.  However, after a weekend of rest I was ready to tackle another week of work.  MUCH better this time around!  I decided to slow myself down and ask for help when I needed it.  Thankfully I work with some amazing people who help me when I ask for it and even come to my aid when they see me struggling.  It feels good to get back to life.  I'm still in therapy twice a week for my shoulder.  Although I've made good progress I've hit a plateau when it comes to lifting my arm.  I just can't lift my arm all the way up.  Also, the tendons/muscles make popping noises once it hits a certain point.  The surgeon is going to sit in on a therapy session this Monday.  Hopefully she'll figure out a way to (painlessly) relax my shoulder muscles so I can get more movement.  At the moment we are focused on stretching my arm muscles.  Basically, it consists of me lying on a table and having my therapist force my arm up.  Is it painful you ask? Ummmmm....yes!  I'll try to keep everyone updated on my progress!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

6 week checkup

I had my 6 week checkup with my surgeon on Thursday.  Going in, I was really excited to show all my progress to her.  My excitement slowly fizzled as she told me my therapist had been going easy on me.  She had me lay down and took my arm and forced it up and held it there.  I was in so much pain I couldn't breathe.  She did tell me that she was happy with my progress but that now it was time to get forceful so I could get as much motion back as possible.  Kinda put me in a bad mood after that.  As usual, I'm up for the challenge.  I wish she had started out with some praise and encouragement but oh well.  One thing I'm excited about is that I can wear a bra again!  (TMI!)  I haven't been able to wear one because it really bothered my scar.  I think it's (scar) finally been desensitized and I can tolerate a bra again!  It's the small things that make me happy.  I'm also starting to drive again.  I took my nieces to Target last weekend.  It went well so I'm going to get my car from my house and bring it over to Mom's house.  I'll be able to take myself to therapy and wherever else I feel like.  I'm very close to going back to work.  I think within the next 2 weeks I should be good to go.  I'm so looking forward to it!  Miss my co-workers and having something to do!  The one thing I don't miss is getting up at 4am. :(

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Home stretch

This week in therapy we started strengthening my shoulder muscles and doing some major stretching.  I've actually been working up a sweat!  We've started out using yellow resistance bands for strengthening.  Also, I've started using some kind of a machine that I can only describe as an exercise bike for the arms.  I can already tell a difference just from this week!  I'm able to lift my arm enough to touch my face now.  Last week I couldn't do it very easily.  I've been doing really well at keeping up with my therapy at home.  In fact, I think I may be going above and beyond what I should be doing.  I'm so anxious to get back to my life!  Work, driving, leaving the house whenever I feel like it and being back with my baby, Max. 

To help pass the time I've been reading the Walking Dead Compendium One which I think is books 1-48.  I finished it the other night and have already started on Compendium Two which is books 49-96.  I've also been watching a lot of TV, playing a lot of facebook games, and lots of exercising.  I'm starting to get bored....

Friday, February 22, 2013

Making progress

Almost 5 weeks after surgery!  I missed both therapy appointments last week.  I was sick one of the days and the other day my therapist was sick.  I worked extra hard at home to make sure I didn't lose any movement.  When I went back to therapy this week she was impressed with my progress.  She stretched my arm muscles even further and thinks I'm ready for muscle strengthening exercises.  So next week we are going to start using bands for resistance with my exercises.  Also, since they had to cut into part of my rotator cuff during surgery, I haven't been allowed to rotate my arm outward.  Next week I am going to start working on that movement.  Lots of hard work and pain but I'm looking forward to it.  I'm thinking within the next 3 -4 weeks I will be driving again and starting back to work.  Yipee! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Not feelin' so hot

I haven't been feeling so hot the past couple of days.  My stomach has been upset and nauseous.  The one thing I hate the most is when I'm hungry but feel like I'm going to get sick if I eat.  Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon.

Yesterday I had my stitches removed.  It was one continuous stitch with bows tied at each end.  Two snips and they pulled them out.  Very little pain (yay)!  I have therapy twice a week.  It's been going well.  Lots of stretching the muscles.  I've started working on moving my arm myself.  Lifting it straight up and out to the side.  I've been having trouble lifting it straight up.  It's a bit difficult and causes some muscle pain.  It disappoints me that it's so hard to do.  I keep reminding myself that I did just have surgery 2 weeks ago.  Things aren't going to work perfectly afterwards.  That's why I have therapy.  Also my arm muscles haven't worked right for about 5 years so it's going to take some time to build them back up.  I have made some progress though.  I am able to brush my teeth by myself and feed myself.  The more things I can do on my own the better it makes me feel.   I'm hoping to be back at work within 4 weeks.  I'm already bored and actually want to go back! 

On Saturday night I spent the evening at my house.  I've been living with my mom and Jim while I recuperate.  I had to leave my dog Max behind.  I've missed him so much!  I spent the evening with him and he was on my lap the whole night.  I invited my dad over to hang out for awhile and my nieces were there too.  We ate some Papa John's pizza which did not sit well with me. 

That's all I have for now!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today was my first therapy appointment.  It went well.  We started with passive therapy meaning I didn't actually move my arm myself but the therapist moved it for me.  It moved really well and she was able to stretch my muscles.  The only thing that hurt was the pulling on the stitches.  Things went so well that she had me move it a little on my own.  Obviously the muscle was extremely weak but it was a good start.  She also decided to move up my appointment for getting my stitches out.  I'm now getting my stitches out on Monday.  It's really going to help my therapy.  I think I'll be able to move my arm a little better without fear of the stitches hurting.  Next week I'll start exercising my arm myself and working on building my muscle.  I'm super excited!

Monday, January 28, 2013

One week ago today

I cannot believe it's been a week!  I'm happy to say that my pain is SOOOO much better.  Yesterday I only took 2 pain pills which is alot less than I've been taking.  I start therapy tomorrow.  I'm excited to get this arm moving!  I may have to bump up the pain meds on therapy days but that's the usual.  Want to hear something so stupid?  I finally got approval for my short term disability for work while I'm recovering.  Unfortunately they only approved me for 2 weeks!  Can you believe that?  2 weeks to fully recover from a partial shoulder replacement is not enough time.  I just don't understand how they came up with that.  I'll get paid through Feb. 4th.  If I need more time I have to submit another disability form which costs me $15 to have the doc fill out.  If not I guess I'll be expected back at work.  I don't even get my stitches out until Feb. 7th! 

We had movie night with my brothers, Mariah, and Alyssa.  We watched The Possession.  It was creepy which I loved!  My mom and I ran around earlier that day.  We went to Target and walked around for awhile.  It felt good to get out.  We also stopped by my house to see my baby.  I miss Max so much!  I'm used to having him follow me around the house and cuddle me on the bed.  He also keeps me busy by annoying me.  He wants to go outside then a few minutes later he wants right back in then a few minutes later wants back out.  Ok maybe I don't miss the annoying part ;)  He was excited to see me and when we left I could hear him yelp a couple of times.  Poor baby.

I'll let you all know how therapy goes tomorrow!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ouch! This effing hurts!

I must say that this has been one of the most painful surgeries I've ever had.  I keep thinking to myself that the outcome will all be worth it. 

Monday morning came and I was getting really nervous.  It only took 2 tries to get an IV started (yay me).  Then came the block for my arm so I wouldn't be able to feel anything.  They told me that different parts of my body would twitch until they found the right nerve for my arm.  They kept hitting the nerve for my diaphragm.  So I would uncontrollably start to twitch from my diaphragm which made me feel like I was having a seizure, along with uncontrollable grunting.  Yeah it was great.  They finally found the nerve for my arm and eventually it went completely numb.  My surgery was scheduled for 8am.  I was happy I wouldn't have to wait or be postponed for later in the day. Yet my surgeon was late.  830 came and went then about quarter till 9 she finally got there.  They then tell me that they don't do surgeries until 830.  Ummmmm....... then why schedule me at 8?!?!  Annoyance.  Anyways, once I was FINALLY taken back things went much better.  They were able to only have to do a partial replacement.  She said things couldn't have gone any better.  She was really pleased.  Once I was taken to my room they told me that once my block wore off they would give me morphine and norco for pain.  My block wore off and I was in so much pain I couldn't stop crying.  The morphine and norco did absolutely nothing to ease the pain.  I asked my nurse (through tears) if there was anything else that could be given to me.  She said no, that the block had worn off and I was getting exactly what the surgeon had prescribed.  I took that as a hint to deal with the pain and stop my belly aching.  Thank god that not much later the nurses switched out.  My new nurse took one look at me and said she was going to call my surgeon and see if there was anything she could do for me.  Within 30 minutes I was getting much stronger meds.  Morphine every 2 hours and percocet every 4 hours.  It helped and I was able to get a little sleep.  Then about 4am she came in for another dose of morphine.  As she was injecting it, it was extremely painful. She stopped and tried to get some blood to come through the iv but nothing was coming through.  Turns out that at some point through the night the IV came out of the vein.  My wrist had been slowly swelling and I think it was the meds from the iv pooling under the skin.  So they pulled that IV out and 3 nurses (and needle sticks) later they were able to start a new IV.  OMG!  Once she injected the morphine through the new IV I felt absolutely nothing!  I was so excited and was finally able to get some sleep.  I almost didn't want to leave the hospital because I didn't want to be without the morphine.  Eventually I went home on Tuesday.  It's been so painful.  I've not been able to concentrate on anything other than the pain because it is so overwhelming.  But each day it gets a little better. 



I had a therapy appointment today.  My surgeon wanted to see me also.  She ended up taking my big bandages off.  She also moved my shoulder around. I'm pretty excited at how much movement I already have without having any therapy yet.  They weren't going to start therapy for another 2 weeks but they decided to start me next week.  They have me on some additional pain meds which is going to help a lot.  I'm really looking forward to therapy and to getting back to life!   Thanks to everyone for all the support and well wishes.  It means so much!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Hello all!  I had a great weekend.  I spent the day with my dad on saturday and then the evening with my ladies.  Lunch and a movie with dad and dinner and the mall with my girls.  Today I moved in at mom and Jim's house.  I'll be here for the next few weeks while I recover from surgery.  I'm really starting to get nervous.  I just want to be done with it!  My surgery is at 8am at St. Francis.  I have to be there at 6am.  Thankfully I'm the first one scheduled for surgery so I won't have to wait long.  Once I get home I will try to keep everyone updated on my recovery.  They are planning on keeping me overnight.  I should be home on Tuesday.  Here's hoping for a partial replacement instead of a total!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaack!

Last time I left you all, I was preparing for my wedding and ecstatic that I was walking again.  Oh my how things can change.  Thankfully my hip has held up but unfortunately my marriage didn't. To find out you mean so little to someone you've committed yourself to is heartbreaking.  As usual I picked myself up and kept going. 

My right shoulder has been bothering me for at least 3 years now.  My initial plan was to have it replaced in 2011.  However my hip had other plans and I ended up having my left hip replaced after 3-4 months in a wheelchair.  Once I recuperated I decided I needed time before I had my next surgery.  Monday January 21st I will be having my right shoulder "resurfaced".  The plan is to go in and put in a Copeland implant which is pretty much a metal covering over the ball of the joint.  There is a possibility that the damage could be more extensive than they thought and may end up having to do a total replacement (which means more pain and longer recovery).  Knowing my luck, I'm sure it won't go the easy way.  Recovery is going to suck.  My right arm does everything for me.  My left arm hasn't worked since 2007.  During my bone marrow transplant in '06 I started having major issues with my left elbow.  By spring of '07, my left elbow fused and no longer moves at all.  I also lost lots of motion in my left shoulder. My left arm can hold things but as far as reaching for things it can't.  My right arm brushes my teeth, hair, bathes me, feeds me, puts on my makeup, writes, and everything else that involves the movement of your elbow.  So now I will be without the use of my right arm for a short time and it's going to SUCK! Thankfully my family will be taking care of me until I can use my arm again. 

I am accepting applications for someone to give me sponge baths ;) Preferably young, hot, and single.