Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaack!

Last time I left you all, I was preparing for my wedding and ecstatic that I was walking again.  Oh my how things can change.  Thankfully my hip has held up but unfortunately my marriage didn't. To find out you mean so little to someone you've committed yourself to is heartbreaking.  As usual I picked myself up and kept going. 

My right shoulder has been bothering me for at least 3 years now.  My initial plan was to have it replaced in 2011.  However my hip had other plans and I ended up having my left hip replaced after 3-4 months in a wheelchair.  Once I recuperated I decided I needed time before I had my next surgery.  Monday January 21st I will be having my right shoulder "resurfaced".  The plan is to go in and put in a Copeland implant which is pretty much a metal covering over the ball of the joint.  There is a possibility that the damage could be more extensive than they thought and may end up having to do a total replacement (which means more pain and longer recovery).  Knowing my luck, I'm sure it won't go the easy way.  Recovery is going to suck.  My right arm does everything for me.  My left arm hasn't worked since 2007.  During my bone marrow transplant in '06 I started having major issues with my left elbow.  By spring of '07, my left elbow fused and no longer moves at all.  I also lost lots of motion in my left shoulder. My left arm can hold things but as far as reaching for things it can't.  My right arm brushes my teeth, hair, bathes me, feeds me, puts on my makeup, writes, and everything else that involves the movement of your elbow.  So now I will be without the use of my right arm for a short time and it's going to SUCK! Thankfully my family will be taking care of me until I can use my arm again. 

I am accepting applications for someone to give me sponge baths ;) Preferably young, hot, and single.

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