Friday, April 8, 2011

Not what I expected

Surgery finally happened at around 2 or 230.  Next thing I know I'm waking up and notice the time is 630. I fall back to sleep wake up again to see my mom hovering over me crying. She was telling me they couldn't do the hip replacement. That it would be done in a few weeks.  Now at this point in time I was so drugged up that things weren't really making much sense so I just said Ok.  Fast forward to Tuesday morning when my surgeon comes in to talk to me and tells me I no longer have a left hip.  There was more destruction in the joint than he was prepared for and when he touched my socket joint it fell off.  So he took everything (socket and ball joint) out.  He went ahead and did some bone graft to help my body make more bone. They have to specially make a new hip for me.  It usually takes 6-8 weeks to make a specialized prothesis but after hearing about my situation, they (De Puy Orthopeadics) will try to get it done in 4-6 weeks.  So now I have a left leg that is not attached to anything but muscle.  I cant really use my leg because the muscles don't work like they should since the bone is gone. I'm not able to do much for myself right now. So I'm just taking it day by day for now and making sure to take my painkillers. Now lets just pray that they get the new hip made soon and that it works for me.  Thanks to everyone for all the flowers, prayers, and well wishes. 

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