Tuesday, August 23, 2011

142 Days Later........

This year has not gone according to plan.  The only plans I really had was work hard, plan my wedding, and spend time with my family and friends.  Actually now that I think about it, I did do all of those things.  I worked hard on keeping my sanity and clawing my way back from my disastrous hip replacement.  I planned most of the wedding from my laptop while in my wheelchair. We made the hard decision to postpone the wedding a month later to make sure I would have enough time to recuperate.  Now it looks like we could have kept the original date but it's better to be safe than sorry.  I spent lots of time with my family and friends because I had all the time in the world.  I had lots of support from friends and family during this entire time.  They were always willing to help my mom and Jason take care of me.  I spent some weekends at my sisters house when mom and Jason had scheduling conflicts and weren't able to be at the house with me.  Any other time my brother TJ and his girlfriend Heather would come over and "babysit" me.  Having all of them and all of my nieces around helped get me through it.  I received get well cards in the mail and from work and it was nice to know people were thinking of me.  To help fill my time up I decided to bring out all of my scrapbooking stuff.  I have done more scrapbooking this year than I have ever done!  I also got back to reading again.  I can't remember the last time I've read so much.  I've also started a sewing project (that I bought a few years ago and never started).  Before all this happened, I was working a 40 hour work week and was on my feet the majority of the time. Add in pain medications and the drowsiness that it causes and I would be completely exhausted/tired and my feet would be in so much pain that I couldn't do much once I came home.  My nights consisted of laying in bed and only getting up to shower.  I had no energy whatsoever.  By the time morning came I would be somewhat recharged and get up to do it all over again.  I will be starting back to work September 19.  Right now I have tons of energy but I know as soon as I start back to work I will get back into this rut of pain and exhaustion.  I guess that is one thing I'm going to miss about all this is having all this energy and motivation to do things.  I realized how much I missed doing all of my hobbies (scrapbooking, reading).  Don't get me wrong, I love working.  I love my job and the people I work with.  I refuse to let my arthritis slow me down or keep me from doing things.  I just hope my body can keep up with me.  I'm so ready to get back to my life though.  To be able to pick up and go at a moments notice, climb a flight of stairs to the shower, or walk outside to get the mail are things that I never thought of as very exciting but now I can't wait to do them.  I have less than 4 weeks and I'll be back at it.  I have one more appt in October with the surgeon and then I think I'm done! 

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