Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I had all my pre-op testing done and a visit with my doctor.  The visit with the doctor went well.  He went over what was going to happen with the surgery and what to expect afterwards.  I actually got some hopeful news.  If the surgery goes well and he is able to attach my new hip to some solid bone then after 6 weeks he will let me put some weight on my leg.  I'm excited!  It takes 6 weeks for the bone to grow into the prosthesis.  If everything looks sturdy he will gradually let me put weight on my leg after the 6 weeks.  Before it was going to be 3 months before I could put any weight on my leg.  I pray it goes the way he thinks.  It's so easy to take walking for granted.  To be able to walk in the kitchen to grab a drink, let the dog out real quick, even get up to use the bathroom are all things I can't wait to do. I will need to use my walker or crutches for awhile but it will feel so good to start doing some things on my own.  As for the pre-op testing, it went well too.  I had the best nurse taking my blood.  I have the worst veins ever and it usually takes several sticks to find one.  My nurse took her time and was able to slide the needle perfectly into my vein on the first try.  I told her she was hired!  She also did the q-tip swab up my nose.  Unlike the nurse before, she was very gentle and it didn't feel like she was trying to reach my brain.  Now I just have to wait for the results of all the tests and I should be ready to go for my surgery.  I'm pretty anxious about it but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.  I'm actually looking forward to being able to exercise my left leg and make it stronger.  Hopefully my recovery will go a little quicker than 3 months. We might get to change the wedding date back to Oct. 8th but we won't know until after the surgery. I really hope so! Here's the most recent xray of my left non-hip.

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